SDG DEEP DIVE Series: Women & Urbanization

Women & Urbanization: Expert Insights on Sustainable Development Goals


April 17, 2023


Bukit Damansara


Apr 7

SDG DEEP DIVE Series: Women & Urbanization

Women & Urbanization: Expert Insights on Sustainable Development Goals

SDG DEEP DIVE Series: Women & Urbanization

URBANICE Malaysia telah membawa 3 pakar ke acara siri SDG DEEP DIVE  yang bertajuk Women & Urbanization.

SDG Deep Dive Series adalah perbincangan untuk memahami 17 Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari dan Agenda 2030. Sesi 'Deep Dive' juga bertujuan untuk membawa pakar dan orang awam untuk berdialog, berkolaborasi, dan berkongsi pengetahuan ke arah masa depan yang lebih mampan untuk semua.

Acara SDG Deep Dive ini telah berlangsung di pejabat URBANICE Malaysia dan memberi tumpuan kepada tajuk Women and Urbanization.

Para panelis yang dijemput mempunyai latar belakang kepakaran yang berbeza. Dato' Dr. Madeline Berma adalah Fellow Academy of Sciences Malaysia yang juga bercakap tentang budaya Iban dan perkembangan bandar. Mdm. Ezlina Adnan, yang merupakan Ketua Bahagian Hal Ehwal Korporat daripada PR1MA, bercakap tentang komuniti yang memberi tumpuan kepada wanita semasa membina rumah untuk komuniti tertentu. Sementara itu, Dato' Dr. Saunthari, yang merupakan Presiden Persatuan Kanser Nasional Malaysia (NCSM) bercakap tentang kesihatan wanita dan kanser. TPr. Ts. Norliza Hashim, CEO Urbanice Malaysia yang juga moderator SDG Deep Dive, membentuk perbincangan agar tertumpu kepada wanita dan perkembangan bandar dan menutupnya dalam perspektif perancangan bandar.

Sila saksikan lebih banyak perbincangan di Instagram dan Facebook kami untuk maklumat lanjut tentang topik ini.

URBANICE Malaysia has brought 3 experts to the SDG DEEP DIVE Series with its title, Women & Urbanization.

The SDG Deep Dive Series is a conversation to understand the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda. The Deep Dive series is also aims to bring experts and the public to engage in dialogue, collaborations, and knowledge sharing towards a more sustainable future for all.

This SDG Deep Dive, has taken place at the URBANICE Malaysia's office and it focuses on Women and Urbanization.

The expert panelists that were invited has different backgrounds of expertise. Dato' Dr. Madeline Berma is a Fellow Academy of Sciences Malaysia who also talks about Iban cultures and urbanisations. Mdm. Ezlina Adnan, who is the Head of Division of Corporate Affairs from PR1MA, talks about the communities that focuses on women as they built houses for certain communities. Meanwhile, Dato' Dr. Saunthari, who is the President of National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM) talks about women health and cancer. TPr. Ts. Norliza Hashim, the CEO of Urbanice Malaysia who is also the moderator of the SDG Deep Dive, shapes the conversation to be about women and urbanisation and conclude it in the perspective of urban planning lense.

Watch more of the conversation on our Instagram and Facebook for more informations on the topic.

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